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 Subiectul mesajului: Design Parameters
MesajScris: Mie Noi 16, 2005 6:36 pm 

Membru din: Mie Noi 16, 2005 6:25 pm
Mesaje: 43
Localitate: Southampton, UK
Ooooh, I feel honoured to post the first topic! (Edit: Or not, Nexus3 posted while I was writing this!)

Let's start with the basics, what do we want this mid-top to do? Here's my take on it:

Frequency range: 120Hz -> 20kHz

Dispersion: Not certain, but 60x40deg would be sensible, we're not designing a line array! Must be arrayable obviously.

Cabinet: Dispersion above leads to 15deg trap sides. Must be managable by two men or less, ie aim for 60kg max.

Topology: I reckon 8PE21 for mids and DE250 for tops but undecided on low mids between 1or2 12" or 15".

Applications: Useable from one cab per side for medium sized venues for general purpose live/DJ events.

Please post your thoughts on what this box should do, hopefully we can come to some agreement on specification.


 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mie Noi 16, 2005 6:43 pm 
Director General 0766332366
Director General  0766332366
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Membru din: Joi Oct 27, 2005 7:33 pm
Mesaje: 19927
Localitate: La sediu
I think your requirements are perfect, but I have some improvements maybe,

we should make the cab go lower if possible, (I have the punisher design subbass in mind, so 100Hz would be perfect if we could get it in that region...)

ing. Mircea Bartic
Director general

Poweraudio Romania
Drumul Tarpiului, Nr.30, Bistrita, Jud. Bistrita-Nasaud
Telefon: 0766332366

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mie Noi 16, 2005 7:13 pm 

Membru din: Mie Noi 16, 2005 7:04 pm
Mesaje: 10
Localitate: Michigan, US
Concept sounds pretty right on.

Component selection shouldn't be locked in yet. The units listed are good, but we should see what else is out there. We should also have some alternatives for folks in different areas and finicial status.


 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Mie Noi 16, 2005 8:53 pm 
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Membru din: Mie Noi 16, 2005 8:18 pm
Mesaje: 60
i think we should try and aim for a tighter dispersion than the 'obvious' 60x40. whilst this is ideal for a stand alone mid top it is harder to use for suitable trap cabs for arraying. symetrical dispersion allows for more simple horn construction, possibly with the benefit of less colouration, so what does 40x40 sound like on a 10 degree box angle?

from my understanding a well designed phase plug besides boosting efficiency in the higher mids, can also help tighten up the dispersion in those frequencies. having seen the polar plots for the porn horn i think we should set our sights on something that gets this bit right, i reckon we'll struggle less with a nice tight dispersion. also, good for outright spl.


 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Noi 17, 2005 10:51 am 

Membru din: Mie Noi 16, 2005 6:25 pm
Mesaje: 43
Localitate: Southampton, UK
Ok, I'm happy to go for 40x40. Means for that you might have coverage problems if you only take out one per side but I guess you'd have alternative problems trying to put multiple wide dispersion boxes together.

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Noi 17, 2005 7:48 pm 

Membru din: Mie Noi 16, 2005 6:31 pm
Mesaje: 4
Localitate: Italy
Actually a 40x40° dispersion pattern is pretty useless for single use. You'll always need at least 2 cabs for proper coverage.

I'm for 60x40. There are much more top horns with such dispersion pattern.

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Noi 17, 2005 7:53 pm 

Membru din: Mie Noi 16, 2005 6:31 pm
Mesaje: 4
Localitate: Italy
nexus3 scrie:
I think your requirements are perfect, but I have some improvements maybe,

we should make the cab go lower if possible, (I have the punisher design subbass in mind, so 100Hz would be perfect if we could get it in that region...)

Going really low mean using 2x15" bandpass or a really long horn (at least 70cm).

I think 110-120hz is much better, consider many commercial products go down to 120-150hz, not lower.. The most of subs can go high to 120hz without problems (commercials, wsx, 1850, hd15, bp18, and so on).

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Noi 17, 2005 10:10 pm 

Membru din: Joi Noi 17, 2005 9:56 pm
Mesaje: 6
I think you need to make your mind up whether you want a box that you can use 1 of, or a box that you can easily array.

If you're only going to use 1 box a side then you may as well forget trying to array them at all and go for a straight sided wide dispersion box.

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Noi 17, 2005 10:31 pm 
Director General 0766332366
Director General  0766332366
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Membru din: Joi Oct 27, 2005 7:33 pm
Mesaje: 19927
Localitate: La sediu
I personally would like a box that could work in singles as compact as possible

I am curently working at a compact trapezoidal box using

2xWN-15S P-audio in 6th order bandpass
2x8PE21 B&C waveguide loaded
1xBM-D450 P-audio Waveguide loaded

the design looks like this:


plans are curently on paper because I suck at Autocad :oops:

dispersion would be about 60x40

it's designed for using with the punisher subwoofer

ing. Mircea Bartic
Director general

Poweraudio Romania
Drumul Tarpiului, Nr.30, Bistrita, Jud. Bistrita-Nasaud
Telefon: 0766332366

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Noi 17, 2005 10:33 pm 
i agree dom, seeing as there is the x-tro doing the stand alone job, not forgetting that there is plenty of room for evolution of this quite young design, i think we should go for the narrow dispersion super pokey array cab. this is not on offer elsewhere.

i am aware of the lack of 1" horn flares that meet the requirements, it may be appropriate to build what we need.


 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Noi 17, 2005 10:38 pm 

Membru din: Mie Noi 16, 2005 6:31 pm
Mesaje: 4
Localitate: Italy
Yes i think it's better to think if we're doing a project to be used as standalone, as array or a compromise.

Let's take a look at arrayable pro cabs dispersion pattern (HxV):

Martin Audio W8: 55°x30°
Martin Audio W8C: 55°x30°
Martin Audio W3: 65°x40°
Proel Edge 212P: 50°x40°
Turbosound THL-811: 55°x40°
Turbosound THL-4: 55°x40°
EAW KF-850: 55°x40°

And so on...

It looks to me 55°x40° is the way to go...

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Noi 17, 2005 10:38 pm 
what's going on inside that magic box then nexus?


 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Noi 17, 2005 10:46 pm 

Membru din: Mie Noi 16, 2005 6:31 pm
Mesaje: 4
Localitate: Italy
nexus3 scrie:
I personally would like a box that could work in singles as compact as possible

I am curently working at a compact trapezoidal box using

2xWN-15S P-audio in 6th order bandpass
2x8PE21 B&C waveguide loaded
1xBM-D450 P-audio Waveguide loaded

the design looks like this:


plans are curently on paper because I suck at Autocad :oops:

dispersion would be about 60x40

it's designed for using with the punisher subwoofer

Nexus... this is a copy of Outline Doppia!!!!!!!! :?

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Noi 17, 2005 10:46 pm 
Director General 0766332366
Director General  0766332366
Avatar utilizator

Membru din: Joi Oct 27, 2005 7:33 pm
Mesaje: 19927
Localitate: La sediu
well, James, behind the waveguides there are two neoodymium 15" woofers which have each 102.2 dB spl @1W :twisted:

it's a 6th order bandpass designed to work between 70 and 350Hz flat :wink:

work at the prorotype will start as soon as I sort out the 10 liters of volume that I can't seem to find room for:roll:

the 15"-ers are really stretching their luck inside this cabinet :lol:

ing. Mircea Bartic
Director general

Poweraudio Romania
Drumul Tarpiului, Nr.30, Bistrita, Jud. Bistrita-Nasaud
Telefon: 0766332366

 Subiectul mesajului:
MesajScris: Joi Noi 17, 2005 10:46 pm 
Director General 0766332366
Director General  0766332366
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Membru din: Joi Oct 27, 2005 7:33 pm
Mesaje: 19927
Localitate: La sediu
nu quite

but an improved version :wink:

Doppia uses 12" ferite speakers

there's no shame in taking apart a werry good speaker and trying to improve it 8)

ing. Mircea Bartic
Director general

Poweraudio Romania
Drumul Tarpiului, Nr.30, Bistrita, Jud. Bistrita-Nasaud
Telefon: 0766332366

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