18Sound 15ND830
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Autor:  Mircea Bartic [ Vin Noi 10, 2017 1:45 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  18Sound 15ND830

Difuzorul 18 Sound 15ND830 a poposit astazi in studioul foto al Poweraudio Romania. -
Acest difuzor este practic identic cu cel utilizat in boxele Dynacord VL152. Este ideal pentru aplicatii de boxe fullrange de calitate foarte ridicata, impreuna cu drivere de format mare.

Key Features
98 dB SPL 1W / 1m average sensitivity
75 mm (3 in) edgewound voice coil (ISV)
450 W AES power handling
Neodymium magnet assembly
Weather protected cone for outdoor usage
Ideal for compact reflex subwoofer and reflex multiway systems


The 15ND830 is a high power, high output, low frequency woofer meeting the most stringent requirements in high quality professional transducers. Thanks to its versatility, the 15ND830 can be used in 2-way compact reflex enclosures and reflex / band pass subwoofers. The neodymium magnet assembly assures high flux concentration, low power compression and excellent heat exchange, since the external magnet configuration is considerably more efficient than traditional under-pole magnet topology. This results in high levels of force factor and power handling with an optimum power to weight ratio. The direct contact between the heat sink and basket, together with the magnetic structure, represents a fundamental improvement in thermal connection and heat dissipation. Hence, power handling capabilities are increased and power compression lowered. The deep profile curvilinear cone, created from a special high strength wood pulp, has been designed to achieve the best possible linearity within its frequency range. The cone surround made from a linen material is highly resistant to aging and fatigue. The in-house developed cone treatment is fully water repellent and also gives a significant degree of rigidity to the cone. The 75mm Interleaved Sandwich Voice coil (ISV) assembly is wound on a strong fiberglas former which improves force transmission and thermal power handling. A special coating applied to both the top and back plates makes the 15ND830 far more resistant to the corrosive effects of salts and oxidization.

Fişiere ataşate:
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Autor:  Mircea Bartic [ Vin Noi 10, 2017 4:09 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: 18Sound 15ND830

Acest difuzor foloseste printre altele un con fabricat de Muller

Pentru cine nu este inca familiarizat cu acest nume, Muller este cel mai important fabricant de conuri de difuzoare din lume. Cam toate produsele de inalta calitate de la orice producator folosesc conurile fabricate de acest brand.

Fabrica Muller se afla in Marea Britanie.
Marcajul dupa care puteti recunoaste un con fabricat de ei este "UKM" trecut pe interiorul conului cu vopsea alba sau aurie.

Autor:  P Victor [ Vin Noi 10, 2017 6:02 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: 18Sound 15ND830

Da , UKM este un brand recunoscut pentru calitatea audio !

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